Measuring Community Safety


Indicators for the Domains (Economic Readiness, Economic Security, etc.) in the graphic above are meant to be a reflection of the ways in which the Black and Brown residents that NIS has engaged in this participatory research project spoke about community safety and thriving.

While the indicators themselves were sourced by NIS, the need for them emerged directly from an analysis of focus group and interview data, which surfaced the conditions underlying community safety and thriving. We organized this document to highlight the issues and priorities of residents alongside the indicators.

A note on racial data:

NIS exclusively engaged communities of color in this project, given the disproportionate levels of violence and insecurity they face in New York City. While some of the below indicators are racially explicit in their construction, each cited data set has racial demographics data that should accompany each indicator. Without the inclusion of race, these indicators will fail to reflect the voices of the Black and Brown residents who informed them and appropriately measure the social conditions that have a significant racial component.


Domains and Indicators

The first three domains are framed through an economic lens, given residents’ framing of community safety as a predominantly economic issue. They propose measures that provide a snapshot of financial health across the personal, household, and community level. Economic Security contains indicators that largely speak to rates of poverty, job security, and various forms of economic insecurity that residents face. Economic Readiness is a domain that encompasses a range of measures across educational and workforce development systems that are meant to prepare residents for meaningful participation in economic life. Local Economy is a domain that emerged from residents’ desire to have resilient local businesses that provide access to valued goods and opportunities for entrepreneurship and wealth generation. 

The last four domains are not explicitly economic but encompass the remaining areas that residents identified as important to community safety and thriving. Physical Security contains indicators that speak to residents’ need to be protected from physical harm, including the harm that they experience at the hands of the NYPD and other residents. This domain is a combination of data about carceral system involvement and physical violence that underlie a lack of safety, and community-led policing efforts that could contribute to community safety. For residents who are economically insecure, access to services and utilities delivered by the government can be essential. Public Services contains indicators across the service areas that residents identified as important to community safety and thriving, with a particular emphasis on mental health and healthcare. Built Environment pertains to physical spaces and neighborhood conditions, with a particular focus on housing deterioration and access to neighborhoods with ample green spaces and non-hazardous conditions.


Economic Security

Resident goal: Communities that have well-paid, stable jobs that provide enough to meet individual and family needs, access to quality housing, food, and healthcare, and agency in their economic future. Residents emphasize economic security as foundational to sustained community safety.


Click on the Indicator categories below to see how Indicators are measured:

+ Poverty

+ Job Security

+ Savings

+ Home Security

+ Food Security

+ Health Security


Economic Readiness

Resident goal: Communities that are equipped with the quality education and employment preparation needed for residents to succeed in the economy. Residents discussed economic readiness as a driver of economic security, as well as an indicator of the community investment and opportunity necessary to community safety.


Click on the Indicator categories below to see how Indicators are measured:

+ Disconnected Youth

+ Educational Quality

+ Educational Attainment

+ Employment Preparation


Local Economy

Resident goal: Neighborhood economies that support and sustain locally-owned-and-operated businesses that provide residents with quality goods and services, as well as employment and wealth-building opportunities. A thriving and equitable local economy contributes greatly to resident economic readiness and is an essential component of economic security in a community.


Click on the Indicator categories below to see how Indicators are measured:

+ Community Business Ownership

+ Community Business Stability

+ Accessibility of Goods & Services

+ Accessibility of Financial Services


Physical Security

Resident goal: Neighborhoods where residents feel protected from physical harm. Most residents see a role for police in that protection but emphasize a need for community-led policing that can build alternatives to violent policing and foster relationship-and trust-building. A security force that is community-directed was described as an approach that could reduce incarceration and violence, and provide safety for the whole community.


Click on the Indicator categories below to see how Indicators are measured:

+ Police Misconduct & Force

+ Carceral Involvement

+ Community-Led Policing

+ Violent Crime


Public Services

Resident goal: Accessible and affordable public services that meet the needs of residents. Public services can provide essential support to communities who are economically insecure, allowing them to build towards longer-term security.


Click on the Indicator categories below to see how Indicators are measured:

+ Mental Health

+ Healthcare

+ Connectivity

+ Transit

+ Public Assistance


Built Environment

Resident goal: Neighborhood physical spaces that are clean, accessible, functional, and beautiful. Residents describe investment in shared spaces as important to making people feel valued in their community, and well-kept spaces are both indicators of and contributors to economic and physical security.


Click on the Indicator categories below to see how Indicators are measured:

+ Housing Deterioration

+ Environmental Quality

+ Land Use


Community Power

Resident goal: An organized and engaged community that acts together through democratic structures to set agendas, shift public narratives, and cultivate relationships of mutual accountability with governmental decision-makers.

* As a domain for measurement, community power is significantly more complex than the domains above. Community power is both a catalyst for all of the above safety domains and exercised in distinctly context-dependent ways, varying significantly based on the needs, goals, and relationships of a particular place.

Given that this project seeks to measure safety in NYC, we explore community power in the context of the NYC government’s existing safety programming. Residents spoke of community power as a primary driver of community safety, and so we developed an evaluation framework for safety programming with community power as the primary target.

See the next section for a discussion.




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